Regulation, Connection and Felt-Safety Techniques
When therapy stays at the level of verbal processing, you might gain insight, but insight alone won't change the way your brain holds memories of experiences that keep you stuck. Experiential therapy invites you to pay attention to your whole self with courage and compassion.
Sand Tray Therapy
Sand tray therapy is an expressive powerful therapeutic approach allowing individuals, including adults, and teens, to build a personal miniature world using objects and sand as a means to reflect on their life, resolve conflicts, and promote self-acceptance.
Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB)
IPNB is an approach for trauma healing by being with you with no agenda and no judgement. It's an experiential psychotherapy that calls upon
your whole, embodied brain to understand the past, process your history, and connect to your natural resourcefulness. It's an open, listening place, because that’s what creates safety.